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  • Writer's pictureLydia Farrow

Venus in Cancer

Venus is the planet that's associated with love, beauty, fashion, luxury, money and our expectations in relationships.

It will be travelling through the Cancer constellation from 8th August until about 7th September.

Cancer is a water sign, ruled by the moon, so it's all about emotions. This also might show up as wanting to spend more time at home and cooking. The sign of cancer is represented by the crab so don't be surprised if people put walls up to protect themselves.

On 25th August Venus will be opposite Jupiter, the planet of expansion, so expect to feel more generous.

On 27th August Venus will form a positive trine aspect to Neptune, which indicates a day of imagination and creativity.

On 30th August Venus will be opposite Pluto so there could be power struggles with money.

And last but not least September 2nd is when Venus opposes Saturn, the planet that's associated with the government. This is coincidentally around the time when children will be returning to school.

If you have any questions, feedback or insights then feel free to message me on social media :)

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