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Venus in Cancer

Venus is the planet that's associated with love, beauty, fashion, luxury, money and our expectations in relationships. It will be...

Brief Mars Blog

Mars is in its home sign of Aries for the rest of 2020. This boost of energy is good for independence, vitality and focusing on our...

Full Moon in Sagittarius

On Friday 5th June there will be a partial lunar eclipse. Sagittarius rules travel but because we can't do that at the moment it's a good...

Blog #2 3/6/2020

Today Venus retrograde will form a conjunction with the Sun in Gemini at about 13° Venus is the planet that rules love, beauty and your...

June Astrology Forecast

June is mostly a Gemini season so usually communication is a top priority. The Sun moves into Cancer on the 20th which coincides with the...

Blog: Blog2
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